Saturday, November 3, 2007

Welcome to the hornet's nest

It seems Bowling Green local man about town and vest aficionado Alex Merced is running for the United States presidency in 2012, and is making his official announcement on The Great Debate!

Now before you go and change your underwear, take a look at his platform and official campaign website at

And don't worry, you'll get a chance to call in and ask him the tough questions.

Don't miss this thrilling episode of The Great Debate on Tuesday November 13th, it's sure to be veritable orgy full of hilarity.

But first....


"I thought I'd be the first announce his bid for president in 2012, since I'd be new to this field I should probably get started now to build name recognition. I've listened to everybody who's posted many of political posts (and and more to willing to continue to flesh ideas out) on both sides and tried hard to come with some ideas that would incorporate the capitalist free market efficiency with the care and security for citizens that social programs provide. Here is my platform. I also tried to shoot for as much transparency as possible.

Foreign Policy - Anti-War, Anti Alliance, Pro Free Trade,Pro Free Travel.

Economy - Support Modified Fairtax, a 23% national sales tax
is still to high even if you abolish the income tax. If most programs can be outsourced to third party markets as described below I'd have a goal of getting a sustainable 15% national sales tax. Get rid of the federal reserve and move
towards a gold standard. Create free markets

Energy/Environment - Remove any and all subsidies on energy in order to move away from oil consumption and stimulate private development of sustainable fuels. Help build market for regulatory bodies

Civil Rights: abolish all federal involvement in marriage to uphold separation of church and state. Benefits will be titled civil unions for straight and gay couples (so it's equal). I will try to strike a compromise to begin moving towards direction of open military service for gays. Repeal of most drug laws.

Third Party Regulation/social programs: I want to establish a market for third party non-government run versions of most government programs and institutions that will be run by the private sector which will create a new industry on creating efficient services to aid states to clean the environment,
improve education, improve civil rights, etc. So basically states who want to buy into such programs will have their pick of providers of services to implement these programs, and those who can provide the best and most affordable solutions will win out contracts to improve these facets to the state, and keep up good service due the incentive of competition. As this market is established we'll slowly shrink federal counterparts to minimize transitional impact. Since the market will be state based, corruption will be somewhat minimized than it would be on a federal level, though I would have to work with advisers to build a check and balance for this.

Health care: by having a third party socialized health care organization, only states who buy into the organization will have ALL their residents covered and it will be covered by state taxes. States that want to continue privatized health care can just choose not to buy into the system, and no federal funding will go into it like all of these third party organizations. This creates a pseudo market for these third party regulatory/programs.

Education: again, third party regulatory bodies. They'll be more efficient and cost effective, since there will be competition.

Immigration: With the welfare state outsourced to the free market there shouldn't be a reason not to have open border to all immigrants provided background checks health screenings. While the welfare state is in place I would have to enforce border security.

In the next couple of Day, a blog and a social network for my candidacy will be made, so keep an eye out. For the 2008 election, I endorse Ron Paul."

- Lenny Thompson

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